Here your forearms are about perpendicular to the floor when the bar is in the bottom position. For the purpose of building triceps for the cgbp shoulder width is the best but you need to tuck your elbows close to your sides.

Bench Press Grip The Magic Number T Nation
A close grip bench favors the triceps over the pec so if you have good tricep development and.
Close grip bench width reddit. Scroll through any generic close grip bench press article and youll generally see photos of individuals gripping the barbell way. For those with a stagnating bench press itd be wise to accumulate volume on the close grip bench during a dedicated day. Similarly if the lockout is a weak component then the close grip can be very useful in improving that weakness.
Close grip 55 6 sets x 3 reps. This means that the close grip bench may have its own dedicated day depending on ones weaknesses. For most people this is the most comfortable width.
It is the broadness of your shoulders and length of your arms that will determine grip width. My close grip bench is stronger than normalwide grip. Close grip bench press mistakes 1.
2nd bench day solution program. And the best grip for overall pec development is the one youre comfortable doing again and again. Within the cube method rotation we dedicate our fourth day to overhead presses but i needed to dedicate to close grip presses also.
I have stuck with reddit ppl 6 days per week these. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive our 31 page ebook dominate the bench press completely free. A common option for bench pressers is a position about halfway between the close and wide grips.
I realised recently that i can bench. Not really its a combination of grip width and the angle of your elbows at different stages of the lift. Bench 90 degree position 85 4sets x 3 reps close grip 70 2 sets x rest pause 10 seconds rest w2 rest sets.

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